The Interview 8 1/2

It was a regular night and the two fucking assholes Gary and Bob were sucking each other's dicks and then their
favorite TV show Bitch Titties came on. Bitch Titties had not been aired for 70,000 years! It said it was a new episode. Bob and Gary were so excited they bit each other's dicks off. Bob yelled "YOU FUCKIN BITCH GARY YOU LIKE BITCH TITTIES MORE THAN ME, SO WE'RE GONNA WATCH THE INTERVIEW!" Bob took an RPG and blew the BITCH HQ (BITCH makes Bitch Titties) and turned BitchTube on. They found The Interview! It was $700,000,000 to watch one time. Gary took his urethra and shot piss in Bob's eyes, blinding him, while stealing Bob's debit card. He yelled, "HAHA MOTHA FUCKA YOU'RE PAYIN FOR THR INTERVIEW!"
They started the movie, but it was a little odd. James Franco and Seth Rogen's bodies were replaced by penises while Kim Jong Un was Satan. They shrugged it off, the internet was probably just acting up. Then, Seth Rogen and James Franco had butt sex while Kim Jong Un stared into Bob and Gary's souls while saying in an especially demonic voice, "GARY AND BOB, YOU WILL FUCKING DIE FUCKING MOTHER FUCKER SUCK KIM JONG IL'S OLD ASS DICK IN HELL!"
Once again Gary and Bob just shrugged it off. Then they realized the movie was The Interview 8 1/2. All of a sudden, dudes popped out of the TV screen. They said, "We the Sony hackers. We fucking KILL you and yo famiry. Try the cream of sumyung gi or we hack yo brains!"
Gary fucked the hackers while Bob murdered Kim Jong Un, and when he died, a skeleton popped out.